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General terms of sales

1. Application

Any sales contracts between the buyer and SENSY S.A. are subject to the present general terms of sale. Standard terms of the buyer are not applicable.

2. Price quotations

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, quotations made by SENSY remain valid for thirty (30) days, starting from the date of quotation or until the expiry date of the comprehensive agreement in the framework of which the quotation is made, if the latter expires before the end of the thirty day validity period, except as otherwise provided and agreed upon by SENSY.

We are only bound by our quotations to the extent that customers have supplied us with all technical data before we formulate said quotations. We reserve the right to alter all or part of these terms until such time as we acknowledge receipt of the order.

3. Delivery

  • Any delivery is subject to the schedule of availability of SENSY. SENSY will make all efforts so as to execute delivery on the date originally agreed upon or confirmed afterwards, but can not be held responsible for any delays.
  • SENSY declines all responsibility for non-implementation that results from unexpected circumstances or from fortuitous events or force majors. Should such situation last for more than six months, either party to the contract has the right to cancel the contract to the extent of products not yet supplied.
  • Any visible defect observed upon delivery shall be mentioned on the despatch note of the carrier and signed by the buyer. So as to be valid, any other complaints shall be made by registered mail within 10 working days after delivery. Return of goods will only be accepted after our prior agreement in writing.

4. Property

Sensy retains the entire possession of the goods until total payment of the due amounts.

In case the invoice has not been settled on the expiry date, Sensy can legally cancel his sale by a mere registered letter.

5. Payment

All invoices are cash payable. If the invoice has not been settled within 10 days, SENSY has the right to claim immediate payment of all invoices due, increased by a penalty of 15 %, with a minimum of fifty Euros (50 €), and by the necessary interests, namely 12% per year.

6. Warranty

SENSY products are covered by a one year warranty against manufacturing defects, starting from the date of delivery. If SENSY is informed of such defects during the warranty period, the products can either be repaired or replaced. The warranty is exclusively valid in our workshop after return of the goods for expertise.

6.1. Limitations

Above mentioned warranty clause does not cover any defects resulting from :

  • faulty or inappropriate maintenance by the buyer.
  • unauthorized modifications or wrong use.
  • use of the products in ambient conditions that do not correspond with the stipulated specifications.
  • inappropriate preparation or maintenance of the place where the products are stored.

Apart from the warranty stipulated above, no other warranties are applicable, neither implicitly nor explicitly, no tacit warranty exists with respect to the marketing of a product and to its adaptation with a view to specific applications.

6.2. Liability of SENSY

Each claim for indemnification by the buyer shall be limited to the aforesaid. SENSY declines any other liability as to loss or damage, whether direct or indirect, fortuitous or following wrong functioning, wholly and partially, of products, as well as for any accidents that might occur during or after installation.

6.3. Shipping costs

Shipping costs (as well as any related duties and taxes) of apparatus returned to SENSY for repair during the warranty period, are at the charge of the buyer. Reshipping to the buyer is at the charge of SENSY, except if the goods have to be sent abroad.

7. Technical modifications

SENSY reserves the right to undertake modifications to the design or the specifications of the products, as long as the performance of the products is not unfavourably influenced.

8. Applicable law and arbitration

All contracts are subject to Belgian Law. Any disputes shall be settled by the district court of Charleroi - Belgium.

9. Warranty period

The warranty period is six months for electronical apparatus and one year for other equipment. The warranty period commences on the date of delivery.

Rev. Nov. 2017