Monitoring system for overhead (EOT) cranes

Maintenance management is of vital importance for cranes, more than for any other industrial equipment.
Indeed premature wear can cause a failure leading to costly production shutdowns or even to accidents which can be serious.
Active in the field of load limitation for cranes for more than 25 years, SENSY has developed the COACH system that meets this need for predictive maintenance.
Customers’ feedback as well as technological breakthrough in electronics allowed us to develop a new version which offers you :
- A better ease-of-use
- Data display with a colour touch screen
- Configuration and data retrieval by a USB stick
- Connection to the Ethernet network
- A recording of all the crane’s movements
- A very higher memory capacity during all the crane’s operating life (25 years)
- Calculation of the SWP (Safe Working Period)
The new COACH is the perfect tool for your crane because it allows you to :
- Check if the actual load spectrum corresponds to the one of the originally defined FEM class
- Check if the use is proper :
- Description and counting of the overloads on an hourly basis
- Counting of all the movements (upward (ascent), downward (descent), long travel (translator) and short travel (trolley direction) with “inching” detection.
- Anticipate or postpone the next preventive maintenance based on the actual use of the crane.
- Provide a “black box” function in order to :
- review all of the last crane’s movements in case of incident (or accident !)
- detect improper use