These analogue amplifiers convert the signal from a Wheatstone bridge (mV/V) into a robust industrial standardised analogue signal.

o Internal or external mounting depending on the size of the transducer
o If external, cylindrical housing in nickel-plated brass (IP67) or rectangular box in aluminium (low-cost version) (IP65)
o Available version with shifted zero for bidirectional utilisation for versions 4...20 mA and 0...10 V.
o Protection against inversion of polarity
o Cable length: 0.15 m between the amplifier housing and the transducer (max. 0.5 m)

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4-20 mA 3 wires 4-20 mA 2 wires 4-20 mA C6 0...10 V -10...0...+10 V
Type (-) 4-20 mA 4-20 mA 4-20 mA (ATEX and / or IECEx and / or CSA) 0...10 V -10...0...+10 V
Wiring (wires) 3 2 2 3 3
Input range (-)
0.5...2.5...5.5 mV/V 0.5...2.5...5.5 mV/V 0.5...2.5...5.5 mV/V 0.5...2.5...5.5 mV/V 0.5...2.5 mV/V
Combined error (non-linearity + hysteresis) (% F.S.*) <± 0.02 <± 0.02 < ± 0.02 <± 0.02 <± 0.02
Sensor excitation (-) 5 ± 0.1 VDC 0.5...2 0.5...2 5 ± 0.1 VDC 5 ± 0.1 VDC
Impedance of Wheatstone bridge (ohm(s)) 350...5000 350...5000 1000...5000 350...5000 350...5000
Output signal (-) 4...20 4...20 4...20 0...10 -10...0...+10
Load resistance (ohm(s)) <= 1000 <= 750 <= 750 > 5000 > 10 000
Bandwidth (Hz)
DC...1000 DC...1000 DC...1000 DC...1000 DC...1000
Reference temperature (°C) 23 23 23 23 23
Compensated temperature range (°C) -10...+45 -10...+45 -10...+45 -10...+45 -10...+45
Service temperature range (°C)
-40...+85 -40...+85 -40...+85 -40...+85 -40...+85
Temperature coefficient of the sensitivity (% F.S.*/10°C) 0.02...0.051 0.07...0.14 0.07...0.14 0.02...0.051 0.02...0.051
Temperature coefficient of zero signal (% F.S.*/10°C) 0.004...0.0015 0.01...0.05 0.01...0.05 0.004...0.015 0.004...0.015
Power supply (-)
10...30 VDC 7.5...30 VDC 7.5-9...28 VDC 13...30 VDC 15...18 VDC
Consumption (max.) (mA) <= 45 Same as the measured signal Same as the measured signal <= 23 <= 25

* F.S. : Full Scale.
** : except thermal drifts.
Specifications subject to change without notice.

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