Redundant load pin – SIL or PL
SIL ready (EN 61508), PL ready (EN 13849-1), direction X/Y
For quite some time, the machine standard 2006/42/EC has been considered to be the main standard for designing and manufacturing machines of any kind. From this standard, a raft of new specialised standards has emerged, covering a significant range of applications.
One such standard is the EN61508 –“Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems” which is widely regarded as the main source of information for designing safety-related systems.
Today, there is an increasing demand for components required for machine building that are compliant with safety standards. This is especially true for standards based on EN61508, such as EN62061 and ISO13849. It is worth noting that levels as high as SIL3 and PLd are quite common.
SENSY’s load pinsmay be used for these types of application. Thus, we have worked out a proper response to such needs by creating efficient documentation, reliability tests and a practical architecture for these applications.
This is why we are pleased to offer load pins that enable signal redundancy allowing for the design of safety-related systems with built-in auto-test. These load pins are made of two distinct strain gauge bridges and separate connection points. Such features help to reduce common cause failure. In the case of an mV/V bridge, information is provided on how to analyse and diagnose a failing signal.
Our sensors are tested, first by finite elements than by other means, such as field and laboratory testing or computer simulation. The results of these tests provide valuable information on project reliability and will help improve product specifications. Our experience in build and designing custom-made load cells enables us to design and choose the best tools to suit your reliability demands. We have three standard levels of testing, but more can be done if needed.
A failure rate specific to the sensors bridge can be found in our specific documentation. To guarantee safety and accuracy, these rates are based on a predictive calculation with a high safety rating. It is worth noting that these are given for one bridge allowing for several uses with different architectures. Years of experience demonstrate that those values are pessimistic compared to their counterparts in the field and thus guarantee the proper use with a standards mindset. Furthermore, the main cause of sensor failure is the change in its environment. Our team of experts and sales are ready to answer any questions you may have.